
We are a rare community, us astrologers. We share a complete language system—the astrological language.  And we all love finding new friends who speak our astrological language. There are dialects of our language, too. Sometimes these dialects are SO distinct it may seem like we don’t share a language at all.  You can see these...

Astrologers have been waiting and holding our breath for Uranus to finally re-enter Aries for its run til 2019.  Well, it finally happened on March 11th, long hours after the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan and shortly before the cascade of nuclear accidents. Wow. Let’s analyze this. First, we are dealing with the soltice/equinox points: ...

I’ve got a secret which, if revealed, is likely to get me stoned. So I’ll share it here and then surrender it immediately in case things get ugly. Here it is: Pluto is secretly benefic. The reason it doesn’t feel this way is that we don’t understand Pluto. We can’t understand Pluto because its orbital...

This article originally appeared in the great astrological magazine, The Mountain Astrologer in the 90’s. Astrology and Chaos Theory: Fractal Progressions by Anne Beversdorf With an MC in Sagittarius, an Aquarius ascendant, and a Leo sun, I consistently find myself proselytizing avant-garde or unusual concepts. So, of course, as an astrologer, I’m often in the...

Chiron/Neptune/Pluto/Jupiter Dancing at the end of the 20th Century (written in 1998) This promises to be an unusual Pluto in Sagittarius period, due to the discovery of Chiron and to the comet hitting Jupiter in the summer of 1994. Prudence Nuesink, of England, pointed out this lineup of circumstances: Pluto is now orbiting INSIDE the...

In the beginning…..” “Once upon a time…..” these are the beginnings of all good stories and this is a great one. Hermes Trismegistus told this story, and while we don’t know exactly who Hermes was, theories range from an Egyptian priest-god trained by Atlanteans, to the priest-god who taught in Egypt when Moses was a...

The dance of the planets, Sun, and Moon around our earth represents a huge and incredibly subtle clock. How do we tell time? Before the invention of clocks, we depended on the daily cycle of the Sun to determine day and night. Months were tied to the cycle of the Moon. Seasons are measured as...

Sometimes I can be gob-smacked by the totally obvious. It’s happened again. About how this era is echoing and growing the themes of the ’60s. Yes, we can see the unpopular war, new idealism for politics again, mass movements of a populist nature coming up against powerful established interests willing to do anything at all...

We’re obviously in a period of great change–social changes, economic system changes, climate changes, changes in resources–and most of us feel this isn’t like any ordinary period of change in the last few hundred years. These articles examine the forces of change that are building to a climax and allow us to peek at–and quite...

You can use astrology to your benefit without knowing anything about signs, houses, planets, or reading an astrological chart. The cycle of the Moon is apparent to anyone who looks into the night sky (or who has a calendar with moon phases on it). Using the phases of the Moon’s cycle can really help you...

As most of you know, when you have a consultation with me I do a lot of muttering to myself. One thing you’ve probably heard me mutter is the word dasa (pronounced DAsha). It’s time to explain this—and to explain I’ll have to go back a few steps. One of the biggest differences between western...

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